Quickstart for beginners


How do I start with Battojutsu?

To get started, you only need to fulfil the following requirements:
- At least 16 years old
- Time and desire to start
- a possibility to come to a training session near you

As trainers, we always have training equipment with us to get you started, and every club and dojo offers the opportunity for a taster session. For further details, simply send an e-mail to Stephan or Jens.

Is it best to start with online or on-site training? Online training can be an alternative if you live far away from a training location. However, we definitely recommend on-site training if you have the opportunity. The training experience is much better and the learning progress is greater.



Equipment for the start

As already mentioned, the initial equipment for Battojutsu can be provided (€0). This easily covers the first month. If you want your own equipment early on, you should invest in a bokken with plastic saya (from €20). In addition, a white martial arts belt makes sense (approx. 15€). So it's up to you to decide how much you want to invest in your first month of training: €0 to €35 or more.


The first exam


A complete suit (black karate gi, approx. 65€) and a black hakama (approx. 50€) are required for the first examination. In addition, it makes sense to join the umbrella organisation International Allstyle Federation of Martial Arts e.V. now at the latest. The costs for admission are 25€ + 20€ per examination attempt. When you take the first exam is of course up to you.

All information for the exam and the content itself is available under Documents on this page. By the time you take your first exam, you will of course be as well prepared as possible and will know how to answer all the questions.


What can be added later

You won't need a sharp katana (Shinken, from around €200) or protective equipment until later. As with most hobbies, the investment possibilities are enormous and instead of a €20 wooden sword, there are models up to €800 and beyond. We deliberately keep the training costs for club training low in order to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

It also makes sense to invest in good protective equipment afterwards. Special equipment is needed to make partner training safe and to enable free fighting with a wooden sword or even blunt blades. Here we orientate ourselves on HEMA equipment, which guarantees safety especially with steel blades. However, the investment here is completely voluntary for students who want to go deeper into partner training or take part in tournaments.

Health and physical requirements

There are no health or physical requirements for our training! That sounds generalised, but we aim to train as inclusively as possible. If your safety is impaired, it is only important to inform the trainer in advance.

The training is designed in such a way that even someone who has not done any sport for a very long time can find their way around. Initially, the physical strain is less than with unarmed martial arts such as karate or Krav-Maga. The training is demanding in terms of concentration and coordination.